Calcium Carbide

WHITE MARTINS - 70 year producing calcium carbide in brazil

Technology and Innovation allied to a Pioneering spirit: Find out how calcium carbide can improve quality and productivity in different industries in Brazil and abroad.

White Martins was founded over 111 years ago in Brazil. We have been a pioneer in the production of calcium carbide in the country and have operated the largest and most modern facilities for producing it in Latin America, for almost 40 years.

Located in Iguatama, Minas Gerais, this industrial complex has high-tech equipment such as the submerged arc electric furnace with a nominal capacity of 200 ton/day. Its screening and crushing system ensure product size classification in various granulometric ranges, used by various types of companies. White Martins customers have access to specialized technical consulting in the development of customized solutions and guaranteed after-sales support. Trough constant investment in technology and innovation, combined with integrated logistics, the company ensures the delivery of calcium carbide throughout Brazil and abroad, according to each customer's profile, segment and needs, always with the highest standards of quality, safety and reliability.

With applications in different industry segments, the carbide manufacturing process includes beneficiation into various granulometric ranges, resulting in the development of different compositions and mixtures that ensure the best productivity yields for its applications. In the steel industry, for example, carbide enables cost reduction and improvement of the final quality of the produced steel. Aligned with its strict policies and standards in safety, health and the environment, White Martins offers technical assistance and training on storage, handling, and application of the product trough a highly specialized team. The goal is to provide a complete customized solution with high technology applied to its customers. With leadership, operational efficiency, and experience, we guarantee technical and commercial support carried out by highly specialized and qualified employees, allowing for fast and reliable assistance.  

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Business Manager:

+55 31 9 9882-9750

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Technical assistance:

0800 340 9333

calcium carbide can be used in different applications

Calcium Carbide and its differents applications:

  1. Acetylene Production
    Acetylene is a gas produced from calcium carbide and widely used in industries for welding and oxyfuel cutting processes. Acetylene is colorless, flammable and odorless gas in its pure state. Slightly lighter than air, it is soluble in water and, when combined with air or oxygen, produces a hot, luminous and smoky flame. Calcium carbide applied in industrial generators or portable generators (carbide lamps), produces acetylene, as gas with a very high flame temperature, making it ideal for achieving the best finish in welding and metal cutting. In addition to welding and cutting processes, acetylene can also be used in the manufacturing of materials such as explosives, solvents, organic compounds, plastics and rubbers.

  2. Steelmaking
    2.1 Steelmaking - Steelmaking - Ensure the productivity gains with cost reduction in steelmaking and improved quality of the produced steel: The desulfurization and deoxidation capabilities of calcium carbide contribute to achieving higher quality of the final product while reducing production costs. Trough slag deoxidation, calcium carbide transforms oxidized slag into a reducing slag, promoting:
    • Recovery of Fe and Mn for the metal
    • Increased alloy yield
    • Improved steel clarity
    • Lower energy and electrode consumption
    • Better desulfurization rates in the ladle furnace, with shorter treatment time
    • Longer refractory campaign in the ladle slag line
    2.2 Iron Desulfurization - High desulfurization rates with low slag generation. In the process of deep mono-injection in ladles or torpedo cars, calcium carbide-based desulfurizing agents can be used together with other inputs trough a refractory lance, using nitrogen as the transport gas. In the process of deep co-injection, carbide can be used together with metallic magnesium, especially in ladles, also trough a fixed or rotating lance. Discover the advantages of using carbide:
    • Low slag generation and consequent low metal loss
    • High desulfurization rates
    • Low temperature drop of the metal
    • High repeatability index
    • Short treatment times
  3. Iron Foundry
    Due to its affinity with sulfur, carbide reduces the amount of this contaminant in the produced metal, adding value to the final application of cast irons. Additionally, it can be used an energy source in Cupola furnaces, allowing for a reduction in the amount of coke and coal used in the process.

    Higher tapping temperatures: Maintaining the composition of the charge unchanged, the addition of 1% foundry carbide can increase the tapping temperature by up to 30°C. An addition of 2% can raise this temperature up to 55°C.

    Improved casting properties: For foundries working with a low tapping temperature, the temperature increase provided by the addition of foundry carbide can reduce the possibility of casting defects. Additionally, slag separation is better at higher temperatures, allowing for the casting or purer metal.

    Rapid recovery after shutdowns: When used regularly in the charge, carbide enables quick recovery of the metal temperature after shutdowns. Some foundries use the addition only for planned shutdowns, calculating the time needed to have the carbide in the coke bed at the time of restart.

    Higher temperature of molten iron during startups: By using foundry carbide in the coke bed, the first casting during startups can reach a temperature sufficient for pouring into molds, thus preventing any loss. With the addition of 4% foundry carbide during initial charges, the first casting can reach a temperature about 55°C higher than normal, with rapid growth. To achieve such results, careful charge preparation and ignition of the coke bed are necessary.

    Increased melting rates: The high temperatures produced by foundry carbide allow for a reduction of up to 34% in coke charge, with a 33% increase in hourly melting rate. These higher melting rates are particularly beneficial for cupolas with low air supply capacity or low charge levels. They can also be useful when demand exceeds the normal capacity of the cupola, as well as reducing the molding time and the time required to accumulate sufficient metal for pouring into large molds. Therefore, the use of carbide can guarantee higher melting rates without causing the most common inconveniences in this operation, such as oxidation, low pouring temperature, and erratic control of product quality

    More stable operation: As the foundry carbide descends trough the charge, it forms a highly fluid and superheated slag. This slag minimizes operational issues such as the formation of skulls or crusts and the cooling of the slag notch.

  4. Other applications:
    Calcium carbide can be used in various other applications within and outside the industry, such as:
    4.1 Agriculture: Soil moisture analysis due to its hygroscopic property. 
    4.2 Plastics Industry: Assists in the production of resin, PVC and PVA.
    4.3 Carbon black: Used in battery manufacturing.

BEFORE USING THE PRODUCT READ THE F.I.S.P.Q. (Safety Data Sheet for Chemical Products) of Calcium Carbide

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Contact us

Business Manager:

+55 31 9 9882-9750

Export mail:

Technical assistance:

0800 340 9333



50mm x 80mm

Suitable for acetylene generation.

25mm x 50mm

Suitable for acetylene generation and casting in the cupola furnace.

10mm x 25mm

Suitable for casting in the cupola furnace.

4mm x 15mm

Suitable for deoxidation of slag and desulfurization.

2mm x 10mm

Suitable for steel desulfurization, slag deoxidation and pig iron desulfurization.

2mm x 4mm

Suitable for steel desulfurization, slag deoxidation and pig iron desulfurization.

0mm x 4mm

Suitable for steel desulfurization.

0mm x 2mm

Suitable for steel desulfurization.


Big Bag

Made of laminated PVC.

Metallic Box

These boxes can be 10kg or 5kg.

Metal or cardboard drusm

They can be 200 or 50 liters and are filled with 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25kg bags.

Contact us
Technical assistance:
0800 340 9333 

Relationship Center:
0800 709 9000

(55) 37 3353 9069 ou 0800 340 9333

Sustainability at Iguatama:

Since its foundation, our Iguatama Calcium Carbide Factory has operated in line with White Martins' sustainable development strategy, promoting actions aimed at addressing global challenges related to the ESG agenda.

Check out the main initiatives of our factory:


  • The raw materials used in the factory are acquired only from certified suppliers committed to rigorous environmental standards, such as coal sourced from reforested eucalyptus forests in the region.
  • The carbon dioxide produced in the calcination furnace is reused and directed to an adjacent CO2 plant, also owned by White Martins.
  • All effluents generated in the factory are treated through a water reuse system that reduces water intake from the São Francisco River, one of the most important water supply sources for the Northeast and Southeast regions of the country.
  • The unit strives to use sustainable and renewable energy sources, including the implementation of energy efficiency projects to reduce electricity consumption.
  • As one of White Martins' units participating in Linde's Zero Waste program, the factory adopts waste management practices to reduce, reuse, and recycle materials.

Social responsability

Safety is a priority in all company activities. Like other White Martins units, the factory relies on advanced monitoring systems and technologies, and undergoes rigorous internal and external audits to ensure compliance with relevant safety regulations and standards. All procedures related to safety are signposted throughout the factory, and employees receive regular training on the company's safety policies and practices.

In order to contribute to the local community, the unit has maintained the "Cesta Verde" (Green Basket) project since 2004, which promotes the cultivation of pesticide-free vegetables and fruits in the gardens located within the factory premises and distributes them free of charge to families in vulnerable social situations in the region. The project has distributed over 250,000 baskets to the community since its inception, helping to combat malnutrition and promote healthy eating among the residents of Iguatama.

In line with White Martins' people management practices, the factory offers professional development and well-being programs for its employees. Additionally, it seeks to cultivate a work environment that promotes diversity and inclusion, ensuring that all individuals are respected and valued.

Corporate governance

As part of White Martins, we have guidelines, policies, and integrity programs that govern the company's relationships with its stakeholders, ensuring compliance with applicable regulations and laws. This commitment strengthens White Martins' generation of shared value with its employees, customers, suppliers, and communities.

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Contact us

Business Manager:

+55 31 9 9882-9750

Export mail:

Technical assistance:

0800 340 9333